Saturday, March 12, 2011

WebCamMax Pro Free Download Full

WebcamMax Pro


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Latest Version:
Size: 23.6 MB
Update: 14 December, 2010
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Mediafire : WebcamMax7.2.0.8_plusjamu.rar


HDD Regenerator 2011 New Version Repair Bad Sector Free Download FULL

Program features:
Ability to detect physical bad sectors on a hard disk drive surface.

Ability to repair physical bad sectors (magnetic errors) on a hard disk surface.

The product ignores file system, scans disk at physical level. It can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks.

Starting process directly under Windows XP / Vista / 7.

Bootable regenerating flash can be created from the program and used to automatically start regenerating process.

Bootable regenerating CD allows starting regenerating process under DOS automatically.

Main benefits

Hard disk drive is an integral part of every computer. It stores all your information. One of the most prevalent defects of hard drives is bad sectors on the disk surface. Bad sectors are a part of the disk surface which contains not readable, but frequently necessary information. As a ecomes unfit for use, but also you risk losing information stored on it. TheHDD Regenerator can repair damaged hard disks without affecting or changing existing data. As a result, previously unreadable and inaccessible information is restored.
%0result of bad sectors you may have difficulties to read and copy data from your disk, your operating system becomes unstable and finally your computer may unable to boot altogether. When a hard drive is damaged with bad sectors, the disk not only bA
How it works

Almost 60% of all hard drives damaged with bad sectors have an incorrectly magnetized disk surface. We have developed an algorithm which is used to repair damaged disk surfaces. This technology is hardware independent, it supports many types of hard drives and repairs damage that even low-level disk formatting cannot repair. As a result, previously unreadable information will be restored. Because of the way the repair is made, the existing information on the disk drive will not be affected!

Can the HDD Regenerator repair your drive?

Almost 60 % of damaged hard disks can be repaired by regeneration. You can always download free demo version and try to regenerate the first found bad sector. The main purpose of the unregistered demo version is to display a report which contains information about the possibility to regenerate the entire disk by means of the registered full version. If the first found bad sector has been successfully regenerated, you can buy the product to regenerate all bad sectors on your hard drive. If the first bad sector has NOT been successfully regenerated, then replace your hard disk drive as soon as possible.

Important notes

Since the program does not change the logical structure of a hard drive, the file system may still show some sectors marked earlier as "bad", and other disk utilities such as Scandisk will detect logical bad sectors even though the disk has been successfully regenerated and is no longer damaged by physical bad sectors. If you want to remove these marks, repartition the hard disk drive.

Comparing to previous versions, the new 2011 code has been completely reworked.
Here are some of improvements of the new version:

*Prescan mode (very useful for fast determination of bad sectors location, if a hard drive has a large number of bad sectors. Saves your time. Bad hard drives are scanned in this mode even faster than good drives!)
*Normal scan mode has faster scanning speed
*4K sector size support
*Automatic process resume in any mode (except CD/DVD)
*Multiple hard drives better support
*Real-time hard drive state monitor (will be available soon, currently limited)
*Other enhancements (including temperature indicator, convenient range of sectors selection, bad SMART status indication, overheating indication, etc.)




FREE DOWNLOAD..!! WINRAR 4.00 +serial,crack!! HERE..

Mz Game Accelerator (Compatible With Game Booster)

Kelebihan:Game Booster Menutup Proses Non Windows dan Sebagian Proses Windows
Sedangkan Mz Game Accelerator Fokus Untuk Menutup Proses Windows
[Jadi MZ bisa stop lebih banyak proses windows]

FREE DOWNLOAD..!! Mz Game Accelerator !! HERE: MediaFire,Maknyos,Softpedia

Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security & Titanium Maximum (with serial,crack)

Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security & Titanium Maximum (with Serial)

Keunggulan:ada sekitar 1,5 malware baru tiap detiknya. Dan kami menawarkan update reputasi nonstop secara cloud computing,ketika pengguna sedang memainkan game yang biasanya 'memakan' semua daya PC. Maka secara otomatis anti virus ini akan menurunkan aktivitasnya, entah itu update database, atau bahkan scanning file

FREE DOWNLOAD..!! Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security & Titanium Maximum With Serial : HERE

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blackberry 8530 Lebih pas di Kantong ketimbang Blackberry 8520

Sobat Ingin membeli Blackberry Gemini? Mendingan Sobat pikir-pikir dulu deh
Soalnya Blackberry 8530 atau disebut juga aries lebih pas di kantong sobat
dan Fitur Lebih Unggul Blackberry 8530/aries

Coba mari Kita selidiki Kekurangan dan Kelebihan Blackberry 8530/ARIES ketimbang Blackberry 8520/Gemini

Contoh Kelebihan

-EVDO - Internet jadi lebih maknyus
-GPS, Kalau tersesat Enak deh tinggal ambil peta elektroniknya hehehe

Contoh Kekurangan

-Sim CDMA Harus diinject

Nah berikut Informasi yg didapat,Semoga Sobat Bisa memilih yang tepat (blog cirebon)

Membuat Ucapan Selamat Datang atau alert di blogger

Cara Membuat Script "Membuat Ucapan Selamat Datang atau alert di blogger"
Tidak susah Kok
Biar Blognya keliatan keren,dikasih aja Alert Selamat datang
Langsung saja ini dia

==>Seperti Biasa Masuk Blogger
==>Rancangan Edit HTML
==>Cari Kode berikut


==>Paste Code berikut di atas kode </head>


Semoga Berhasil

Free Antivirus For Your Computer (AVIRA,AVAST,ESET,KASPERSKY) CRACK

While using Windows XP operating system a few months ago, I have been using various anti-virus to avoid the computer from the worst. Virus, Trojan, Worm, and the like, to attack my computer is probably the worst.
However, after I use Windows 7, my dependence on a reliable anti-antivirus started to decrease. This is of course due to a security system that has Windows 7 itself is good.Antivirus pay was not necessary anymore to be purchased.

One of the best antivirus for Windows 7 is Microsoft Security Essential (MSE). Antivirus was developed by Microsoft for Microsoft.

You need to know, antivirus MSE gets its highest rating and positive responses from leading IT blogs in the world, such as downloadsquad and Lifehacker. MSE can be obtained free of charge and it is compatible with XP, Vista, and 7.Sayangnya, "long live piracy" does not apply if you use this antivirus. MSE will only work if your Windows operating system is genuine or genuine.

Microsoft Security Essentials is very simple, lightweight, and easy to use. From the experiences of some people, after installing the MSE on their computer, antivirus-even no one dares get closer to their computer. And you do not need anymore-even merongoh pocket more just to buy a paid antivirus, such as Kaspersky.

Microsoft Security Essentials downloads compatible with XP, Vista, and 7 through the MicrosoftDownload Center.

If you do not like antivirus MSE above, I've membangku beberapaantivirus other free backup, you can use on your Windows 7, namely:
  1. AVG Free (via CNET)
  2. Avira AntiVir Personal (via CNET)
  3. Avast Free Antivirus (via CNET)
  4. Bitdefender 10 Free Antivirus (via FileHippo)
  5. Panda Cloud Antivirus (via CNET)
  6. Rising Free Antivirus (via CNET)
  7. Smadav Antivirus (via SMADAV)
and Special For You Antivirus Pro + crack
1.Kaspersky Internet Security Version 9 (CRACK)
For my friend who do not know how to crack can be viewed here.

2.Avira Security Suite
Can be viewed here

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Membuat Pesan Dibawah Posting

Kali Ini Blog Cirebon Mengulas,,cara membuat pesan dibawah posting
memang Tutorial ini sedikit basi
tetapi saya akan share bagi yang belum tau saja

Langsung Ke Tkp:

11. login ke blog anda.
2. pilih menu Layuot (Tata Letak)-> klik Edit HTML
3. jangan lupa beri tanda centang Expand Template Widged

kalau sudah copy paste code dibawah ini :

<hr />
<b>Selamat Belajar dan membaca</b>
<hr />

kopi paste tepat diatas kode <data:post.body> masih binggung juga, hasilnya seperti ini :

<hr />
<b>Selamat Belajar dan membaca</b>
<hr />

<div expr:id="&quot;summary&quot; +">

kalau sudah memasang readmore secara manual biasanya code yang warna orange ada dua, pilih code yang pertama.

<hr /> -> kode dari garis.
<center> </center> -> untuk perataan tengah, tuliskan pesan diantara kode ini.
<b> </b> -> untuk ketebalan tulisan.

yang berwarna merah silakan di ganti dengan isi pesan yang anda inginkan.
nah....agar pesan anda bisa di klik tambahkan kode berikut ini:

<a href="">Selamat Belajar dan membaca</a>

5. Save Template,Selamat Mencoba,Semoga Berhasil :D

Pencarian:anne ahira

Memodifikasi Daftar Blogroll Dengan Nomor

Blog Cirebon Kali Ini Mengulas Tentang Memodifikasi Daftar Blogroll Dengan Nomor
agar semakin bagus Blognya coba saja gunakan tips ini Memodifikasi Daftar Blogroll Dengan Nomor

Langsung Saja Tanpa Basa-basi
1. login ke blogger.
2. klik menu Layout (Tata Letak) -> pilih Elemen Laman
3. klik menu Edit pada blog roll yang mau di edit,,,

anda akan menemukan kode kurang lebih seperti ini;
<div style="overflow:auto; height:200px; width:200px">
<li><a href=alamat url link 1>Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href=alamat url link 2>Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href=alamat url link 3>Link 3</a></li>

kode yang berwarna hijau adalah kode dari blog roll,,,sedangkan yang berwarna biru adalah daftar isi dari blog rollnya.
untuk memodifikasi supaya mempunyai nomor urut pada daftar isinya yang anda lakukan adalah,,,ganti kode "<ul>" dengan kode "<ol type= A | a | I | i | 1 >" jangan lupa ganti juga kode penutupnya dengan "</ol>".

masih binggung juga,,,? lihat hasilnya di bawah ini:
<div style="overflow:auto; height:200px; width:200px">
<ol type=1 >
<li><a href=alamat url link 1>Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href=alamat url link 2>Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href=alamat url link 3>Link 3</a></li>

4. kalo sudah klik tombol Simpan. Selesai.

sekarang blog roll anda akan diawali dengan angka atau nomor urut. Silahkan lihat hasilnya. gampang kan memodifikasi daftar blog roll dengan nomor.
eeit,,, hampir ketinggalan nih,,,,huruf yang saya beri background kuning pada kode pembuka blog roll anda pilih salah satu saja.

kurang lebih hasilnya seperti ini,,,,


Tutorial Cara Menghilangkan Tanggal Posting

Blog Cirebon Kali ini mengulas,Tutorial Cara Menghilangkan Tanggal Posting

OK Langsung Saja,Lagi males Posting nih hehehe

1. login ke blogger anda.

2. klik menu Layout (Tata Letak)->Edit HTML

3. jangan lupa centang "Expand Template Widget".

4. kemudian cari kode dibawah ini atau yang mirip seperti kode dibawah ini: {
margin:.3em 0 0;
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;

5. lalu tambahkan saja kode CSS yang berwarna merah.

6. klik Simpan Template. selesai

ini salah satu contoh blog saya yang saya hilangkan tanggal postingnya silahkan klik disini,,,jika ingin menampilkan kembali tanggal posting ikut langkah diatas kemudian hapus kode CSS yang berwarna merah.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

cartoon characters cars

Lightening mc queen is my favorite cartoon character.

Lightening mc queen is my favorite cartoon character.

Google Images Cartoon Characters: cute-cartoon-car-characters

Google Images Cartoon Characters: cute-cartoon-car-characters

cartoon character car picture

cartoon character car picture

cartoon character car picture

cartoon character car picture

 Graphic of a Bandaid Bandage Cartoon Character Driving a Blue Car and

Graphic of a Bandaid Bandage Cartoon Character Driving a Blue Car and

cartoon car

cartoon car

#23950 Clip Art Graphic of a Fire Cartoon Character Driving a Blue Car and

#23950 Clip Art Graphic of a Fire Cartoon Character Driving a Blue Car and

This tutorial will show how to create a cartoon character, similar to those

This tutorial will show how to create a cartoon character, similar to those

Others » Disney cartoon characters

Others » Disney cartoon characters

Latest Car News » Blog Archiv » Cartoon characters enhance the visual of

Latest Car News » Blog Archiv » Cartoon characters enhance the visual of

That will do it fro this tutorial on how to draw Cars Lightning McQueen.

That will do it fro this tutorial on how to draw Cars Lightning McQueen.

 telephone mascot cartoon character driving a blue car and waving.

telephone mascot cartoon character driving a blue car and waving.

Create a Cartoon Car Similar to Cars Movie

Create a Cartoon Car Similar to Cars Movie

This race car cartoon character mascot was created for an orthodontist

This race car cartoon character mascot was created for an orthodontist

cars. cartoon character

cars. cartoon character

 and manga fans to show the world their love for the cartoon characters.

and manga fans to show the world their love for the cartoon characters.

#23757 Clip Art Graphic of a Stick of Red Dynamite Cartoon Character Driving

#23757 Clip Art Graphic of a Stick of Red Dynamite Cartoon Character Driving

This train includes animated cars with cartoon characters such as the Nemo

This train includes animated cars with cartoon characters such as the Nemo

Stock Vector | Boy Driving Car Cartoon Character

Stock Vector | Boy Driving Car Cartoon Character

 of all age groups are fascinated by some or the other cartoon character.

of all age groups are fascinated by some or the other cartoon character.

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Naruto Shippuden Movie 1 Movie English Dubbed images, pictures

Naruto Shippuden Movie 1 Movie English Dubbed images, pictures

Naruto Shippuuden Movie 3. The film concerns the potential outbreak of a

Naruto Shippuuden Movie 3. The film concerns the potential outbreak of a

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naruto shippuden movie 4 part 1

Naruto vs Gaara (Naruto Shippuden Movie 3) English Sub Brandon .

Naruto vs Gaara (Naruto Shippuden Movie 3) English Sub Brandon .

Naruto vs Gaara (Naruto Shippuden Movie 3) English Sub Brandon .

Naruto vs Gaara (Naruto Shippuden Movie 3) English Sub Brandon .

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 49 English Dubbed

Naruto Shippuden: Episode 49 English Dubbed

Watch Naruto Shippuden Movie 4 The Lost Tower English Sub.

Watch Naruto Shippuden Movie 4 The Lost Tower English Sub.

Naruto Shippūden Movie 3 Naruto Shippuden 194 english ; Naruto Shippuden 194

Naruto Shippūden Movie 3 Naruto Shippuden 194 english ; Naruto Shippuden 194

movie naruto shippuden 3 available for download from services like:

movie naruto shippuden 3 available for download from services like:

Naruto Shippuden the Movie. Alternative title: ナルト 疾風伝 (Japanese)

Naruto Shippuden the Movie. Alternative title: ナルト 疾風伝 (Japanese)

naruto shippuden movie 1 trailer (eng dub). Sep 19, 2009 8:28 PM

naruto shippuden movie 1 trailer (eng dub). Sep 19, 2009 8:28 PM

Naruto Shippuden The Movie Trailer English Dub. OMG English Dub!!!!! 1:47

Naruto Shippuden The Movie Trailer English Dub. OMG English Dub!!!!! 1:47

Watch Naruto 187 Shippuuden Episode, English Subbed, English Dubbed,

Watch Naruto 187 Shippuuden Episode, English Subbed, English Dubbed,

7 Responses to Naruto Shippuden Movie 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire.

7 Responses to Naruto Shippuden Movie 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire.

Naruto Shippuden Movie 1 Movie English Dubbed images, pictures

Naruto Shippuden Movie 1 Movie English Dubbed images, pictures

Watch or Download Naruto Shippuuden Movie English sub Subbed Or Dubbed Watch

Watch or Download Naruto Shippuuden Movie English sub Subbed Or Dubbed Watch

Subscribe for more Naruto Shippuden English Dubbed

Subscribe for more Naruto Shippuden English Dubbed

Naruto Shippuden Episode 62

Naruto Shippuden Episode 62

Naruto Shippuuden Movie 3. The film concerns the potential outbreak of a

Naruto Shippuuden Movie 3. The film concerns the potential outbreak of a

 dubbed, watch beyblade metal fusion in english. « Naruto Shippuden Movie

dubbed, watch beyblade metal fusion in english. « Naruto Shippuden Movie